Wednesday, October 29, 2014

good...better...BEST: eyelinerfor creating the perfect winged eye

With so many products out there, how do you realllly know which is the best?
Don’t you always want to know whether to save or splurge on a purchase?
I know I do.
That is why we have created a project E & I have been SO excited to share with you all…
Good, Better, BEST!

What is Good, Better, Best? 
Weekly we will be reviewing and comparing various products and give you the scoop on what is good, better than good…and the BEST.

You ready for this?

This week we are talking winged eyes, cat eyes…(whichever term you prefer.)
and the BEST eyeliner for the job.

We compared and tested 3 products.

#1. E.L.F Liquid Eyeliner. ($1) That's right...a dollar.

When it comes to makeup, I'm usually a firm believe that if it's expensive, it must be the best.
That my friends was not the case with the liquid eyeliner test.

The GOOD: Almay

The BETTER: Benefit They're Real! Push-Up Liner

The BEST: E.L.F. Liquid Eyeliner

I know, I know.
There is NO WAY a $1 eyeliner could be better than a $23 liner.
But, it's true.
I wouldn't lie to you.

Here's the scoop...
Almay was.....good. That's all. It wasn't very thick, and separated easily, but it got the job done.
Benefit was definitely better, but was a little clumpy and slightly difficult to apply & get a sharp clean point.
E.L.F. was hands down the best. Not only is it inexpensive, it was thick, smooth and easy to apply.

Here is the thing with winged liner...
I'm sure most people probably save a winged eye for special occasions. 
For me, is a staple in my makeup routine. 
You heard me…I do a cat eye… 
If I don’t wear a cat eye one day I usually get a comment like:
”Do you feel okay?”
 “You look different, but I can’t tell what it is…’’ 

Well I’m here to tell you…it’s the eyeliner!

After doing this style of winged liner for so long, I feel I have mastered the easiest and quickest “no-fail” technique. And yes, I am using E.L.F. liner...after all, it is the best. :)

Step 1:
Put on Mascara! 

Step 2:
Line the rim of your eye.
I think this is the trickiest part. People hear cat eye and try to go a little too thick. Don't make that mistake. 
Keep it thin. 

Step 3: Draw a line!
Getting this line even is key! I always do this because I can try and make sure my eyes will be symmetrical. 
Also, it keeps you from extending your winged liner out to your temples. 

It will look a little something like this with the thin line drawn:

Step 4: 
Connect your lines!
 This will result in a little gap. Just fill it in with your liquid liner!

So simple. 


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