Friday, October 17, 2014

DIY banner + giveaway

Who doesn’t love a daily reminder that…

"It’s all good baby baby?"

Thank you Biggie for your lyrical inspiration.

For this project you will need the following:
Felt, felt felt! The amount of felt you need will depend on the size of your banner. For the lettering I used felt squares, and for the banner itself, I used bulk felt from a craft store.
Tacky Glue
Freezer paper

Step 1: trace, cut....and then cut again.

To cut out my felt letters, I traced the letters onto freezer paper.
Cut out letters from the freezer paper and iron to the felt square. (make sure you are ironing with the “waxy” side of the paper facing down…if not, you traced it backwards and the letter will stick to your iron. Trust me, I did it.)

Cut out the traced letters and remove freezer paper.

Step 2: prep your phrase

Lay out your phrase on the piece of large felt to make sure it is arranged how you would like it. Be sure to leave at least a 2-3” space at the top of your banner and a 3-4" space at the bottom.

Step 3: glue away!

Tacky glue the back of each letter and press firmly to secure.

Step 4: cut the bottom

I folded the area i wanted to remove before i started cutting away. I'm sure you could be much more precise...but the folding method worked just fine for me!

Step 5: creating the 'loop'

Finish off the banner by folding the back of the banner to create a loop in the back. 
Slide the dowel through the loop.

Side Note:
I tried securing the loop a few different ways. I initially thought the tacky glue would work…that was not the case. So don't do that. You can use the string and needle to do a loose stitch to secure the loop. I used a sewing machine to save time.

Step 6: hanging your creation

Tie a knot on each end of the dowel using your string. Be sure to leave enough slack so the  banner will hang properly.

So easy!

If you can cut and can do this project.
With that being said... 
This project can be a little time consuming. Cutting out those letters can be tedious!

So...with that being said, we want to save one of you the time it would take to make this project.

That is why we are doing a little giveaway for a custom banner of your choice!

Here is how to enter:

Follow us on Instagram!
 Receive an entry for each account you follow:




Tag 3 friends and comment on our bestontheblock_ account with the phrase you would want on your custom banner.

For an additional entry, comment on this post!

The winner will be announced Sunday!

Good Luck!



  1. I'm so glad you two started a blog. I love it! I'm horrible at pulling things off, or pulling things together for that matter, so I love seeing your photos. I live vicariously through you since we have the same style/taste, yet my projects just keep piling and never get done. :(

  2. I'm not sure if my comment posted so I'm writing it again! This is Kelsey Lythgoe by the way. Anyway, so so so excited about this blog and all the things you two will do! You are amazing! I'm following you both on Insta :)

  3. So good! I love it!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So cute and you make it look so easy! @brittanyeliason

  6. Love this! I guess i can't say "teach me you're ways" anymore cuz you kinda just did... Lol
