Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Eat Your Veggies

Make your own custom grocery bag using this simple tutorial!

I love reusable grocery bags for so many reasons.
Everything fits ever so perfectly in that little tote.
You use half the bags you normally would use...
you don't have to have a million plastic bags strangling your arms while you carry your groceries.
Am i right?!

Oh yeah,
it's also good for the environment.


I wanted to make a reusable produce bag.
I HATE those little plastic bags that you have to put all your different fruits and vegetables in.
I always put all those bags in my fridge...stuff the produce in the drawer..and when the produce is gone, I suddenly have a produce drawer of mini bags.

I know, first world problems.

But, if you are like me and are ready to say goodbye to those little plastic bags, here is what you will need to make your own grocery bag!

1 muslin bag. (I got mine at Hobby Lobby for less than $2)
Freezer Paper (In case you are wondering...yes, freezer paper is my favorite crafting accessory.)
Acrylic Paint
Fabric Paint Medium (this will make your paint dry smooth and even and stop the fabric from stiffening.)
X-Acto Knife
Iron (if you have never used freezer paper, you will need a hot iron in order to adhere the freezer paper to your bag)

Step 1:
Choose your saying!

I liked the idea of something kitschy...so I chose "Eat Your Veggies"
I also thought the idea of painting food on your bags for the different items you would put in the bags could be cute...
cause I am OCD like that....
maybe for my other bags :)

Once you have decided your saying, you can freehand your design, or print it off.

Step 2:
Trace and cut!

I took a sheet of freezer paper and taped my saying to the waxy side.
(Treat the freezer paper like tracing paper....you are just using it to trace your saying!)
Once you letters have been traced, use your x-acto knife and cut away!

Step 3:
Iron away!
Place your freezer paper on your bag and use your hot iron to keep your saying in place.

Step 4:
Mix your paints and paint away!

Follow the directions on your fabric medium. I did about 50/50 paint to medium ratio,
The fabric medium make make your drying time a little longer...I ended up blow drying my bag to make the paint dry quicker!

Step 5:
Peel and enjoy!

There is something seriously satisfying pulling off that freezer paper.
It's like taking the plastic cover off of a new tv...or computer monitor...or cell phone...
Enjoy it.

Step 6:
Hit up the grocery store sporting your new bag!



  1. I love this idea! And I love your blog so so much. You guys are doing a great job here. :)
    Juli xx


  2. Love this. And love the blog ♡
